Skin Care - Perawatan Kulit

Eyeliner hello kitty
Harga: Rp100.000

100% ORGANIC aloe vera and Cucumber essence (miracle water)
Harga: Rp.220.000

Mengandung bahan 100% ORGANIC dari tumbuhan aloe vera dan cucumber, cocok untuk semua jenis kulit, sensitive maupun jerawat.

Essence ini bisa dijadikan pelembap sebelum bbcream, foundasi maupun kosmetik lainnya.

Essence ini juga bisa dijadikan masker dengan menetes di pil maskeran kita Rp.6.000/pil, instant akan berubah menjadi masker kertas.

Kegunaan : Melembapkan, memuluskan, memberikan vitamin dan juga menghambat keriputan.

Hasil pemakaian ULTRASONIC

Salon equipment ULTRASONIC beauty tools
Harga: Rp.2,550.000

Ultrasonic adalah peralatan kecantikan yang biasanya digunakan salon-salon kecantikan dengan fungsi sebagai berikut :

1. Menghilangkan flek hitam, jerawat, memutihkan dan menghaluskan permukaan kulit, keriputan kulit
2. Menghilangkan lemak ganas.

pertanyaan :
1. Apakah ultrasonic itu cocok untuk semua orang?
jawaban : Tidak, bagi yang sedang hamil dan menggunakan obat dokter misalnya diabetes, dan lain-lain.
2. Berapa lama penggunaan ultrasonic?
jawaban : tiap bagian disarankan 15 minit, dengan setting otomatis bisa OFF setelah 15 menit pemakaian.
3. Berapa lama bisa mengetahui khasiatnya.
jawaban : Untuk slimming instant merasa firming dan instant mengurangi 1-5cm dibagian penggunaan.
untuk facial, 1-2 kali pemakaian bisa merasa perbedaan setelah dan sebelumnya.
4. Apakah perlu menggunakan produk tertentu untuk massage?
jawaban : TIDAK, anda bisa memakai pelembap apapun dengan bentuk jelly atau gel.

* Setiap pembelian ULTRASONIC ini akan mendapatkan serum AMPOULE 1box (campur) dan yilibalo cream 1

Aqua defense EYE GEL
Harga: Rp190.000

Efektif untuk eyebag, panda eyes, keriputan 100% natural tidak mengandung merkury maupun bahan yang bisa merusak mata

Masker kertas
Harga: Rp6.000

Bisa teteskan semua bentuk cairan pelebap maupun lotion, dalam 1 menit akan berubah menjadi masker muka. Cocok untuk yang sering travel :)

Zamian GOLD C.A.C.A.O mask redpack 150gram gratis 2 sabun handmade
Harga: Rp.290.000

Masker ajaib korea yang sangat efektif untuk kulit berminyak dan berjerawat. kini dengan bungkusan baru tahun 2010, lebih 30ml dari paket lama lebih efektif untuk menyembuhkan jerawat ganas dan luka-luka akibat jerawat. juga mengecilkan pori-pori yang besar. seperti digambar.

Paket terdiri dari 1 masker premuium cacao 150gram dan 2 sabun handmade.

Etude serum bulu mata
Harga: Rp.140.000

Fungsi :

1. Menguatkan bulu mata
2. Menambah jumlah bulu mata
3. Memberikan hasil instant bulu mata menjadi bertambah

Etude baby base
Harga: Rp.170.000

Khusus mengecilkan pori-pori, melembutkan dan mencerahkan warna kulit.

Zamian BBcream SPF50 (43.5gram)
Harga: Rp.190.000

Kose white mask asli Japan
Harga: Rp.300.000

Khusus komedo-komedo yang sangat ganas dan memutihkan kulit, mampu menarik semua kotoran2 dipermukaan muka dalam 1 kali pemakaian, dijamin!!!!!

Unparalleled Whitening.
Seikisho Attains a New Level of Whitening with a Black Innovation.
Seikisho has long sought the secrets to pure, clear and beautiful skin. Now, Black Whitening Mask, our lastest innovation, breaks new ground.
For the first time, we've found an effective way to enhance skin whiteness by using a black mask. This powerful pack remains in close, gap-free contact with the skin and applies five japanese and chinese herbal extracts in concentrated form, including wormwood, which is new to this series. Only Seikisho exhibits the capability of clearly removing old keratin, dirt in pores and comedo, simply by peeling.
Surpassing the conventional scope of film packs, this pack incorporates a whitening formula of uniquely effective ingredients. What's more, it not only removes harmful aspects, but also adds beneficial components to the skin. The goal is pure, remarkably white and smooth skin. Introducing new Seikisho Mask White.

75 ml / NET WT. 2.7 oz.

To Use :
Apply a thick, even coat on clean skin, avoiding the hairline, eye and lip area on clean skin. After 20 minutes or when completely dry, peel off gently from the outside. Follow with a toner. Use once to twice a week.

Caviar mask (Masker telur ikan)
Harga: Rp.290.000

(60lembar, dalam packet 30 perbungkus)

Cocok untuk semua jenis kulit, melembapkan, mengencangkan dan memuluskan

Salon equipment ULTRASONIC beauty tools
Harga: Rp.2,550.000

Ultrasonic adalah peralatan kecantikan yang biasanya digunakan salon-salon kecantikan dengan fungsi sebagai berikut :

1. Menghilangkan flek hitam, jerawat, memutihkan dan menghaluskan permukaan kulit, keriputan kulit
2. Menghilangkan lemak ganas.

pertanyaan :
1. Apakah ultrasonic itu cocok untuk semua orang?
jawaban : Tidak, bagi yang sedang hamil dan menggunakan obat dokter misalnya diabetes, dan lain-lain.
2. Berapa lama penggunaan ultrasonic?
jawaban : tiap bagian disarankan 15 minit, dengan setting otomatis bisa OFF setelah 15 menit pemakaian.
3. Berapa lama bisa mengetahui khasiatnya.
jawaban : Untuk slimming instant merasa firming dan instant mengurangi 1-5cm dibagian penggunaan.
untuk facial, 1-2 kali pemakaian bisa merasa perbedaan setelah dan sebelumnya.
4. Apakah perlu menggunakan produk tertentu untuk massage?
jawaban : TIDAK, anda bisa memakai pelembap apapun dengan bentuk jelly atau gel.

* Setiap pembelian ULTRASONIC ini akan mendapatkan serum AMPOULE 1box (campur) dan yilibalo cream 1

Eyeliner Real Pen
Harga: Rp140.000

Teardrop liner
Harga: Rp150.000


Eyeliner Sony
Harga: Rp200.000

Eyeliner Sana
Harga: Rp150.000

Masker harian kose japan
Harga: Rp230.000


masker ini di rekommend nui ren wo cuei da dgn kandungan vitamin2 yg berkhasit untuk kulit. 4 warna masing-masing memiliking fungsi dibawah ini :

1. Orange : Dgn kandungan collagen dan Q10 yang bisa mengencangkan dan memuluskan kulit.
2. Biru : Memutih, mencerahkan dan memutihkan bintik hitam akibat bekas jerawat.
3. Kuning : melembapkan kulit sepanjang hari, cocok bagi yg sensitive dan kulit kering
4. Merah : Collagen untuk mencegah keriputan. cocok untuk usia 30 keatas.


Masker yogurt korea VOV
Harga: Rp150.000

170ml. hanya 8 botol stock kita.

Masker berbentuk seperti yogurt, memiliki fungsi-fungsi berbeda.

Q110 : Untuk mengecangkan dan memuluskan serta melembapkan
Honey pack : mengembalikan cerah kulit dalam 20 menit.
sleeping pack : cocok dipakai waktu tidur untuk mengembalikan kesehatan kulit.
Green tea pack : mencegah timbulnya jerawat.

CAra pemakaian : sapukan dimuka yang bersih, dan massage 2 menit, setelah itu tunggu 20 menit cuci dengan air hangat.

Super BBCREAM 13.5ML
Harga: Rp120.000

Super BBCREAM 13.5ML
Harga: Rp130.000

Diamond bbCREAM 13.5ML
Harga: Rp120.000

ETUDE- Happy teatime facial foam wash
Harga: Rp150.000


Pembersih muka yang terbuat dari esktract TEH, harum dan membersihkan kulit tanpa memberikan perasaan kering.

cocok untuk pemakaian setiap hari.

untuk semua jenis kulit

5 macam :


Super BBcream hot pink 13.5ML
Harga: Rp130.000

Harga: Rp210.000

60gram (Tanpa SPF - cocok bagi yg sering memakai waktu pesta dan sering dalam ruangan AC)

TOP produk dari lohashills, bagi yang sering berkeringat, produk ini akan sangat cocok buat anda, setelah memakai bisa mengontrol keluarnya minyak dan terasa nyaman untuk 6-8jam

memiliki 10 fungsi utama :
memutihkan bekas jerawat & bekas2 muka
menjaga kelembapan
MEncegah keriputan
Anti oxident
penjagaan muka
memuluskan keriputan
menentang sinar matahari
penutup bekas muka yang jelas
dan tidak rata

Pelukis eyebrow ( aris mata ) warna coklat
Harga: Rp120.000

Harga: Rp220.000

Mewarnai rambut seperti mencuci saja, dengan formula baru memberikan kelembutan rambut dan tidak merusak kulit kepala,

instruksi lengkap didalam paket.

warna #2 darkbrown - stock 3 kotak

Harga: Rp200.000

As u can c from the last pic, Nu ren wo zui da show did a experiement on 1 of the lady,the moisture balance increase from 39.1-56.4. Beside this,it brighten overall complexion that prevent ur skin from looking dull!!

This is one of the best selling product at taiwan now! Its called the sleeping mask!the mask will be fully absorbed into the rinsing is needed!

Usage: Apply this before ur beauty sleep.

Ingredients: Calendula extract, Aloe Girassol, hyaluronic acid, molecular nails, spiral algae extract, seaweed extract, Chamomile extract, Arnica extract, cucumber extract, mallow extract, elderberry extract, sunflower oil


Untuk menerangkan, memuluskan dan menghilangkan kulit mati

Essential mask
Harga: Rp170.000

1. Redwine
Leaves skin moisturizing, whitening and vitality, elasticity and brilliance.Reduce the melanin that cause uneven complexion
2. Cappuccino
A nutritional mask that helps to retore nutrients that the skin needs as well as deep cleansing the pores to reduce oil produce by the oil glands.
3. Cumcumber
With its hydrating, soothing, and astringent attributes, cucumber is cooler than that old expression lets on. Acne-ridden and inflamed, stress-aggravated skin will drink in this restorative cucumber mask to unveil a radiant, dewy complexion.A perfect mask for sensitive skin as it soothe down the redness
4. Grape
Contain anti-oxidants that helps to fight radicals such as UV rays.Restore the moisture n collagen level to its optimum to prevent from aging


I-care gel pembersih kulit mati
Harga: Rp170.000

This mild exfoliating gel eliminates dead skin cells and impurities without irritating the skin. Containing moisturizing agents,which leaves skin sipple,fresh and vital that quickly banishes a dull blotchy complexion

To remove the dead skin cells
shrink pores,
reduce high oil secretion of the forehead, nose, chin
remove blackheads
improve skin texture


Shills T-zone oil control mask
Harga: Rp200.000

Description:From natural pure magical Alps(A natural grass) 5 minutes is all u need to save your skin problem ... Derived from pure natural flawless to the Alps - the magic grass and pure kaolin, the essence of sebum formula cleaning compound purification, helps to reduce oil production that cause breakout + blackheads.

This T zone mask goes into the deep skin layer to deep cleanse the pores n remove all dirt particles & skin texture becomes smooth and soft. Regularly applied in acne, skin part of the oil issues, to strengthen the sebum metabolism, thorough cleansing experience unprecedented compact silky touch.


Harga: Rp520.000

Bedak pemutih gigi dari Taiwan
Harga: Rp150.000


bedak ini sangat efektif dan gampang penggunaanya.
gunakan bedak ini untuk menggosok gigi tiap hari dan akan terasa putih dalam beberapa hari setelah memakainya.

Weight: 130 gramsMain Ingredients: Natural antibacterial polyphenols, Vitamin D, Chlorophyll, Fluorine and other natural essences.Main Functions: Whitening, Plague removal, Control of bacteria, prevents tooth diseases, prevents bad breath and helps in freshening your breath.How to use: Use this powder in place of your normal toothpaste. Brush as per normal.

Zamian GOLD C.A.C.A.O mask premium 150gram gratis 2 sabun handmade
Harga: Rp290.000

Masker ajaib korea yang sangat efektif untuk kulit berminyak dan berjerawat. kini dengan bungkusan baru tahun 2010, lebih 30ml dari paket lama lebih efektif untuk menyembuhkan jerawat ganas dan luka-luka akibat jerawat. juga mengecilkan pori-pori yang besar. seperti digambar.

paket terdiri dari 1 masker premium cacao 150gram dan 2 sabun handmade.

Harga: Rp140.000.

Merek lancome yang terkenal di Singapore, malaysia dan negara-negara asing.


Pelukis Mata Eyeliner
Harga: Rp70.000.

Tersedia warna hitam, coklat dan putih mutiara,

Pencil ini mengandung bintik kilat yang bisa menerangkan mata :)


Shills 5 in 1
Harga: Rp200.000.

Keterangan pertama EGF-drive baru yang potensial ~ pemeliharaan, mengisolasi, dasar, Concealer Powder Lima-efek!

Tidak hanya keluar untuk melindungi kulit, tetapi juga terus terlihat sempurna EGF-SHILLS memperbaiki salah satu faktor pertumbuhan epidermal EGF, hyaluronic acid, peptida dan komponen lain perbaikan komposisi faktor untuk mempromosikan kulit elastis kompak halus, pori-pori kompak waktu untuk menciptakan rasa teliti; Baru ultra-ringan layar sutra corak.


Non comedogenic.

Maintenace & perbaikan kulit.

Menggantikan ur yayasan bubuk.



Benar warna kulit tidak merata.

komponen utama pelembab tahan lama faktor, trehalose, hyaluronic acid, betaine, perbaikan faktor peptida, licorice Intinya, surfaktan asam amino, minyak esensial, seng oksida, gliserin.

kapasitas 120ml.

Usage isolasi busa lembut mousse terguncang, vertikal kompresi + dollar koin tentang ukuran berat badan, tekanan secara merata ke seluruh wajah, dapat lebih baik digunakan dengan spons.

Shills 5 in 1 magic foundation.

1. Sun protection - Menentang sinar matahari.
2. Base untuk make up.
3. Menutup masalah2 kulit seperti jerawat, mata hitam, komedo, bintik hitam dan garis-garis.
4. Melembapkan kulit untuk 24 jam.


Bedak VOV
Harga: Rp130.000.

Tidak merusak pori-pori dan memiliki penetang matahari SPF24(12gram).


Dengan bungkusan yang cutez :)

Description:Design ur own compact powder. U can make it like ur own fone!pls note that it comes in a plain compact powder,the above 4 designs u c r examples of hw can it be designed. Its natural shade helps to cover up pores and absorb oil to give u a flawless skin throughout the dae. Its texture is smooth enought to make ur skin natural even if u r putting on make up.Will not clog pores easily unlike other compact powder. Furthermore it comes with SPF 24 which protect you from the sun!


KOSE Japan Eye Mask
Harga: Rp220.000.

Recommended by nu ren wo zui da

Description: Every single piece of mask consist of loads of Q10 essence to correct the fine lines around the eyes. This mask also help to brighten the eyes and reduce the dark rings

masker mata ini mengandung Q10 bisa memberikan pelembap ke mata supaya tidak keriput, menerangkan warna mata dan menyembuhkan mata hitam.

Asli JAPAN, 18 pasang.


Shiseido Cukur Alis Mata
Harga: Rp70.000.


Pembersih komedo dan massage hidung
Harga: Rp70.000.


Dainty Mask
Harga: Rp55.000.

Mask dari Australia dan manufacture di Taiwan

( Beli 5 gratis 1 )

1. Coffee Mask

Fungsi : Mengandung chlorogenic acid dari kopi Arabica yang mengandung daya penyerapan oksigen ke kulit dan vitamin C, licorice extract dan pelembap natural. Produk ini effecktif untuk mencegah keriput kulit, pemutih, melembapkan dan memperbaiki sel kulit dengan aroma kopi dan membuat kulit menadi lebih sehat, kencang, muda dan sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit.

2.Lavender Mask

Fungsi : Lavender masker membantu mengencangkan kulit dan dengan formula untuk membuat kulit menjadi lebih licin dan terang. Juga mengandung pelembap dan mengunci air di muka menghambat process keriput. Untuk mempertahan kulit dari keriput dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

3.Aloe Mask

Fungsi : lidah buaya membantu untuk mengencangkan
kulit dengan formula mengembalikan struktur kulit dan membuat kulit menjadi lebih licin, terang dan mengcegah keriputan. Membuat kulit kelihatan lebih muda dan bersinar. Cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

4.Lycopen Mask

Fungsi : Lycopen masker membantu mengencangkan kulit dan dengan formula untuk membuat kulit menjadi lebih licin dan terang. Juga mengandung pelembap dan mengunci air di muka menghambat process keriput. Untuk mempertahan kulit dari keriput dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

5.Rose Mask

Fungsi : Rose masker membantu mengencangkan kulit dan dengan formula untuk membuat kulit menjadi lebih licin dan terang. Juga mengandung pelembap dan mengunci air di muka menghambat process keriput. Untuk mempertahan kulit dari keriput dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

6.All in one collagen mask

Fungsi : Collagen masker membantu mengencangkan kulit dan dengan formula untuk membuat kulit menjadi lebih licin dan terang. Juga mengandung pelembap dan mengunci air di muka menghambat process keriput. Untuk mempertahan kulit dari keriput dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

7.LOTUS Mask

Fungsi : lotus masker membantu mengencangkan kulit dan dengan formula untuk membuat kulit menjadi lebih licin dan terang. Juga mengandung pelembap dan mengunci air di muka menghambat process keriput. Untuk mempertahan kulit dari keriput dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

8.Citronella Mask

Fungsi : Citronella masker membantu mengencangkan kulit dan dengan formula untuk membuat kulit menjadi lebih licin dan terang. Juga mengandung pelembap dan mengunci air di muka menghambat process keriput. Untuk mempertahan kulit dari keriput dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.


Harga: Rp55.000.

( Beli 5 gratis 1 )

Arbutin Extract Mask
- Prevents skin pigmentation (Mencegah pigment kulit)
- Improves skin elasticity (Mengencangkan)
- Improves uneven skin tone and skin dullness (Mengembalikan warna kulit yang tidak rata dan gelap)
- moisturizing (melembapkan kulit muka)

Aloe Extract Mask
(Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Mask)
- Lightens skin pigmentation problems (Memutih pigment – bintik hitam)
- Hydrating (Mengcegah kulit kering)
- Anti-aging effect (Menghambat keriput)
- Radiates skin and improves skin elasticity (menerangkan warna kulit dan memperbaiki elastin kulit)

Grape Seed Extract
- Anti-oxidant, moisturising (Anti oxidant dan pelembap)
- Mengandung vitamin C yang mampu mempercepat process penumbuhan kulit baru
- Menerangkan dan memutihkan kulit
- Mencegah keriputan dan garis-garisan.

Iris Extract
- Mengontrol minyak di muka
- memutihkan dan menerangkan warna kulit
- membersihkan kotoran di muka
- mempercepat process pertumbuhan kulit baru

Deep ocean water
- memberikan mineral untuk kulit
- Membantu process penumbuhan kulit baru
- Memperbaiki kelembapan kulit

-Melembapkan kulit
-Menormalkan kondisi minya dimuka
-meperbaiki kondisi muka sewaktu berhalangan bulanan
-Mencegah dan mengurangi kebengkakan jerawat
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SCHEMING BEAUTY masker Rp.30,000 per masker (dapatkan hadiah GRATIS dengan pembelian 2 lembar)

Arbutin Extract Mask
- Prevents skin pigmentation (Mencegah pigment kulit)
- Improves skin elasticity (Mengencangkan)
- Improves uneven skin tone and skin dullness (Mengembalikan warna kulit yang tidak rata dan gelap)
- moisturizing (melembapkan kulit muka)

Aloe Extract Mask
(Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Mask)
- Lightens skin pigmentation problems (Memutih pigment – bintik hitam)
- Hydrating (Mengcegah kulit kering)
- Anti-aging effect (Menghambat keriput)
- Radiates skin and improves skin elasticity (menerangkan warna kulit dan memperbaiki elastin kulit)

Grape Seed Extract
- Anti-oxidant, moisturising (Anti oxidant dan pelembap)
- Mengandung vitamin C yang mampu mempercepat process penumbuhan kulit baru
- Menerangkan dan memutihkan kulit
- Mencegah keriputan dan garis-garisan.

Iris Extract
- Mengontrol minyak di muka
- memutihkan dan menerangkan warna kulit
- membersihkan kotoran di muka
- mempercepat process pertumbuhan kulit baru

Deep ocean water
- memberikan mineral untuk kulit
- Membantu process penumbuhan kulit baru
- Memperbaiki kelembapan kulit

-Melembapkan kulit
-Menormalkan kondisi minya dimuka
-meperbaiki kondisi muka sewaktu berhalangan bulanan
-Mencegah dan mengurangi kebengkakan jerawat.


Harga: Rp100.000.

The Epi Stick works on the principal of threading – known as fatlah in Egypt and khite in Arabic - which has been used as a hair removal technique across Asia and the Middle East for centuries.

And of course, there’s a reason traditional methods like this are still used – it is safe, easy to do in the privacy of your own home, saves vast amounts of money on trips to the beauty salon and on creams and waxes and, as it pulls hairs out from the root it leaves your skin smooth and hair free for longer.

How to use:

•Bend the Super Stick into an inverted ‘U’
•Place it against the hairs you want to say goodbye to
•Holding the handles, twist the stick in opposite directions
•The hairs are trapped between the tightly coiled spring which grips and removes them in one swift moment
Use it on:

•Upper lip
(Please do not use it eyebrows)


•Say goodbye to messy creams and waxes
•No more expensive trips to the beauty salon
•Removes hair at the root for a longer lasting hair-free complexion
•Finer re-growth with repeated removal
•Safe and hygienic
•Hair removal in the privacy of your own home
•One Super Stick will give you a life time of hair removal!
•Removes more than one hair at a time – unlike tweezing
•Slim and lightweight – take it wherever you go for on the spot removal
•Painlessly remove hair anytime, anywhere!

Total Length: 19cm (7.5in)

Length of spring: 10cm (4in)
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The Epi Stick works on the principal of threading – known as fatlah in Egypt and khite in Arabic - which has been used as a hair removal technique across Asia and the Middle East for centuries.

And of course, there’s a reason traditional methods like this are still used – it is safe, easy to do in the privacy of your own home, saves vast amounts of money on trips to the beauty salon and on creams and waxes and, as it pulls hairs out from the root it leaves your skin smooth and hair free for longer.

How to use:

•Bend the Super Stick into an inverted ‘U’
•Place it against the hairs you want to say goodbye to
•Holding the handles, twist the stick in opposite directions
•The hairs are trapped between the tightly coiled spring which grips and removes them in one swift moment
Use it on:

•Upper lip
(Please do not use it eyebrows)


•Say goodbye to messy creams and waxes
•No more expensive trips to the beauty salon
•Removes hair at the root for a longer lasting hair-free complexion
•Finer re-growth with repeated removal
•Safe and hygienic
•Hair removal in the privacy of your own home
•One Super Stick will give you a life time of hair removal!
•Removes more than one hair at a time – unlike tweezing
•Slim and lightweight – take it wherever you go for on the spot removal
•Painlessly remove hair anytime, anywhere!

Total Length: 19cm (7.5in)

Length of spring: 10cm (4in)


Superfine Facial Towel
Harga: Rp65.000.

Recommended by 女人我最大
Brand New

Almost every girl in Japan has one

Made using superfine nanometer materials which are 250 times thinner than a hair strand

Able to penetrate pores while cleaning face

Said to be able to remove blackheads as well

Specifications : 24cm x 24cm

Note :
Please do not wash with softener


Highly concentrated beauty ampoules, no add-on coloring, pure botanical extracts preservatives free.

D’essential Products imported and undergo HSA Singapore Lab-test & Approved.

(Expiry date June 2012 onward)

Results are faster, more variety to cater to different skin needs. It has 4 x higher concentrations compare to my previous France ampoules. Try it, u love it.

D’essential Face, Eye & Bust Ampoule. (3 ml per Vial)

24 Hours Moisturizing Ampoule.
- Hydrating.
- Refine skin texture.

- Firmer.
- For all skin types.

Active Ingredients:
Hyaluronic Acid -Retain moisture, restores skin’s firmness and suppleness.
Chondrus Crispus – delivers moisture.
Panthenol – Pro-Vitamin B5, retain moisture, trap moist within the skin.

Cellular Repair Ampoule.
- Cell renewal.
- Hydrating.
- Supple, soft.
- Repair skin aggressions.
- For all skin types (except acne/pimples skin).

Active Ingredients:
Aloe Vera – Soothing, healing, anti inflammatory.
Beta-Glucan –Improves skin moisture, appearance and texture.
Hyaluronic Acid – Retain moisture, restores skin’s firmness and suppleness.

Brightening Ampoule.
- Improve circulation.
- Improve elasticity.
- Conditions & lighten skin & nipples.
- Excellent for make-up base.
- For all skin types(except acne/pimples skin).

Active Ingredients:
Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate – inhibits melanogensis, stimulates collagen
Soy Isoflavones – inhibitory effect of melanin production.
Tocopheryl Acetate – antioxidant.

EGF Lifting Ampoule.
- Anti-ageing.
- Lifting .
- Anti-wrinkle.
- Hydrating.
- Firming.
- For all skin types (except acne/pimples skin).

Active Ingredients:
Hibiscus Abelmoschus Seed Extract – improve skin renewal, firmness,
anti-wrinkle & fine lines.
Hyaluronic Acid .
Natto Gum – moisturizing.

B-Tox Ampoule.
- Improve face contour.
- Anti-wrinkle, fine lines.
- Improve collagen and elastin.
- Hydrating,Moisturizing.
- For all skin types (except acne/pimples skin).

Active Ingredients:
Algae Extract – Increases Collagen III synthesis.
Hyaluronic Acid .
Mushroom Extract – anti-wrinkle.

Ess C (Vitamin C) Ampoule.
- Anti-oxidant.
- Whitening.
- Improve marks recovery.
- Hydrating, Moisturizing.
- Pore refiner.
- For all skin types.

Active Ingredients:
Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate - whitening effect of spot eliminating.
Hyaluronic Acid .

Multivitamins Ampoule.
- Stimulates collagen synthesis.
- Anti-aging , anti-wrinkles.
- Anti-oxidant.
- Brightening, rejuvenating.
- For all skin types (except acne/pimples skin).

Active Ingredients:
Cucumber Extract – Firming, softening, refreshing, purifying, whitening, and calming.
Multivitamins A, C, E and F – anti-oxidant, anti-aging and prevents photo damage.
Hyaluronic Acid .

Clarifying Ampoule.
- To control sebum production.
- Detoxification.
- For oily, pimples, acne skin.

Active Ingredients:
Yeast Extract -Detoxify.
- Promotes cell.
-Regeneration, healing, soothing and anti-irritant.

Oxygenating Ampoule.
- Antioxidant.
- Rejuvenat.
- Improve blood circulation.
- For all skin types (except acne/pimples skin).

Active Ingredients:
Green Tea Extract – anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant.
Grape Seed Extract – capillaries protector, antioxidant.
Ginger Extract – improve blood circulation and increase metabolism. Antioxidant, anti-irritant.

Comfort Ampoule.
- Anti-irritation .
- Anti-redness. - Anti inflammatory .
- All skin types (especially for sensitive skin.)

Active Ingredients:
Portulaca Extract – anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant. Aloe Vera .
Peuraria Root Extract – soothing, anti-inflammatory.

Oil-Control Ampoule.
- Regulates sebum secretion.
- Excellent for make-up base.
- For oily, pimples, acne prone skin.

Active Ingredients:
Cetylpyridinium Chloride – antiseptic.
Menthyl Lactate - refreshing.

I Care Ampoule.
- Improves excess fluid drainage.
- Reduce eye bags, dark circles.
- Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
- For all skin types.

Active Ingredients:
Witch Hazel Extract – Tighten, improves circulation.
Caffeine – reduces eye bag, dark circles, eliminates excess fluid.
Hyaluronic Acid .

Bust Enhancer Ampoule.
- Firming the sagging bust.
- Improve blood circulation.

Active Ingredients:
Complex of phytoestrogens - Firming bust shape and size by stimulating cell growth in the mammary glands.
Hyaluronic Acid.


Germany Sessenz Concentrated Facial Ampoule
Harga: Rp60.000/botol. Rp110.000/3botol. beli 1box = Rp320.000.

What are Ampoules?
Ampoules are airtight glass containers that are filled with a concentration of highly active ingredients. Ampoules usually contain botanical extracts, vitamins and enzymes in various combinations and do not have any preservatives or chemicals due to the airtight packaging. These ampoules are designed to address every skin conditions and deficiency. Ampoules can have remarkable effects on various skin conditions, irritations, hyper - pigmentation, as well as,aging.Visible results are achieved within a short time after application. Ampoules are commonly used in beauty salons during facials/before make up application. You can use it for special occasions or incorporate it into your skincare regime.Makeup lasts longer as it is helpful in controlling sebum and makes our face looks less oily. Skin feels very soft and hydrated after application.

* High concentration of plant extract and active ingredient *No Fragrance, No Artificial coloring, No Chemical.

Artificial colors, dyes and pigments are commonly used in skincare products to mask the color of the chemical ingredients in the formulas, and make the products pretty. Our ampoules are non add on colorings, using the plants natural colorings. Using the add on coloring in the long term, we can easily get pigmentation and brown spots, causing skin irritations and breakouts. These coloring products are being absorbed directly into the body through our skin so we will not know how extensive the damage will be after applying in the long run.

Suitable for all skin and sensitive skin.They are more concentrated than ampoules from France with better results.

1) Hydrating
Intensive Hydrating Serum. Formulated to reduce water loss and supplementing moisture to your skin. Suitable for all skin types, giving an immediate radiant look.

2) Whitening
Brighten your complexion while intensively moisturizes your skin.

3) Collagen
Help to improve the skin collagen. It calms and balances your skin for a refreshing recovery from daily tiredness. Excellent for brides and photo shoots!!

4) Purifying
Perfect for oily and acne skin. Control oil sebum production.

5) Firming
Anti-wrinkle solution. Renew skin for a youthful complexion.

6) Soothing
Calms your skin to prevent any outbreak or irritation of your skin towards the surrounding environment.

7) Vitamin C
Brightens skin complexion, giving it radiance. It enforce the skin's defense against free radicals, reducing premature aging caused by environmental stresses.**must be finished ASAP because this is PURE Vitamin C ampoule. Don’t keep too long coz it is the same as oranges will change color coz itis 100% Pure with no chemical added.**

8) Refining
Helps to shrink large pores. Control the production of oil sebum.

How to Use
Most skin cell growth occurs when you are sleeping and thus the best time to apply an ampoule is before going to bed. These ampoules can be used daily. If you are applying makeup in the day, you can also apply the ampoules before putting on your makeup. It helps to prevent the makeup from clogging your pores.

Method of use for Sessenz Face Ampoules
1. Cleanse face.
2. Using a tissue and break open the ampoule
3. Pour about 1/3 out onto palm and apply to face using fingertips to dab in the contents.
4. Product can be applied on neck and chest area. Do not use over eye area.
5. Wait for the ampoule to be absorbed completely into your skin before applying moisturizer.
6. Please do not used on open wound or peeling skin.
7. Remaining ampoule can be stored in the fridge.
8. To be used within 3 days.

Expiry date : Aug 2012 onward. Products import approved by HSA Singapore

We believe in caring and pampering the skin while looking at our best. Sessenz and D’essential ampoules are your best choice without harmful to your skin.


Flamingo mascara perpanjang bulu mata 300%
Harga: Rp140.000.


Beely make up cleansing oil
Harga: Rp190.000.

Description: This cleansing oil make use of natural ingredients that allow to deep cleanse ur pores and remove every little trace of make up.Its natural ingredients helps to leave moisture on the face and remove all dirts without clogging pores
Deep cleansing
Anti oxident
Anti aging
Beauty detox

24%-remove dead skin and blackheads
23% improve ance problem
14% shrink pore
8% brighten complexion
7% others including dark circles and fine lines

Direction: Pump twices and massage in cicular direction on face(without wetting the face) for around 30 seconds,add a little water n continue massaginf for 10 seconds. Then rinse off with warm water n follow by ur normal cleanser


Pure Collagen Mask
Harga: Rp70.000.

Untuk usia 18 - 30 tahun.

asli taiwan, rekomendasi dari Nui Ren Wo Cuei Da Taiwan TV programme, mengandung :

1. Collagen 95% untuk mengembalikan kehalusan kulit, mencegah keriputan.
2. Soothing ampoule - ampoule untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawatan dan kekeringan.
3. Essence bunga rose - untuk melembapkan kulit
4. pemutih muka.
5. Menjaga kulit dari kekeringan.

Sewaktu memakai, karena mengandung sootihing ampoule, masker ini akan merasa dingin. dengan demikian collagen di masker akan masuk ke muka seluruhnya.

Pemakaian tidak melebihi 12 jam.

Setelah memakai 2-3 jam, masker ini akan menjadi kertas.


SHILLS Perfect Brightening ( Refresh Tiredness)
Harga: Rp200.000.

Size: 50ml x 1 tube

Brand new and hot sale in Taiwan.

Prime, protect and correct in just one step! This anti-aging primer creates the perfect canvas for foundation application. Worn alone or under foundation to increase its longevity, this unique formula helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores for visibly softer skin.

Usage: Apply to clean , moist skin on face and neck before applying mineral pigments.


KOSE Softymo Airy Whip Moisture & Whitening Cleansing Foam (180g)
Harga: Rp200.000.

Original From Japan

With the convenient VACUUM PUMP Design, the KOSE Softymo Airy Whip generates Super FINE, RICH & SOFT MOUSSE type Cleansing Foam in your palm in second.

The Super Fine Mousse Foam helps penetrate into pores to remove Dirt, Makeup Residue & Excessive Sebum effectively. Mild formula Pampers and Replenishes skin. Contains 5 MAJOR PLANT EXTRACTS that helps remove Dead Skin Cells, Moisturize your skin and Promote Circulation; Anti-oxidant Brightens Complexion & Promotes Skin Elasticity while cleansing.

FRESH FLORAL SCENT let you enjoy wonderful cleansing experience with comfort & clean.

How to use: Wet face; slightly shake bottle before use; pump appropriate amount of foam onto palm.

Apply on face with gentle massage; then rinse thoroughly.

Follow by daily skin care steps.

Can be used for approximately 100 times.


Korea Cacao Gold pack
Harga: Rp270.000.

Paket terdiri dari :
1 Coklat Masker & GOLD FREE 1 Sabun Olive + Sabun Coklat.

# Paket ini khusus dan efektif bagi kulit yg berjerawat.
# Untuk mendapat hasil yg maksimal kami sarankan untuk memakai 1 set.


BEERLY Perpanjang Bulu Mata
Harga: Rp200.000.

Perpanjang bulu mata 3mm - 7mm dalam waktu 15 hari
disapukan ke bulu mata 2 x sehari, 7 hari perpanjang 3mm, 15 hari perpanjang 7mm.

Serum ini juga mampu menguatkan bulu mata sehingga tidak mudah jatuh.


Waterproof eyeliner, liquid
Harga: Rp140.000.

Product Description: Automatic pen eyeliner, easy to apply.This ia a liquid eyeliner that allow ur eyes to look brighter and bigger. It is waterproof so no worries of smurging anymore!


Skin 79 lovely bb cream
Harga: Rp170.000.

Product Ingredients: Portulaca plant essence, lavender essence of basil plant extracts, lilac species essence, rosemary, honey and so on.Product Description: The natural mulberry and calendula extracts calm and moderate moisture damage, rough skin.
A variety of herbs and plant extracts of plants so that skin look more healthy, and provide full day moisture. Effective separation of the external damage caused by environmental pollution on the skin, naturally and effectively cover facial defects, to make the skin beautiful and shiny. through the porous powder body to absorb oil on the skin can effectively throttle control for a long time to keep the skin matt.
Use of age :16-22-year-old. Oil control


Shills spot brightening cream
Harga: Rp190.000.

Rich yeast extract the unique essence of Arbutin,
Moisture-lock effects of water and to increase the whitening moisturizing
Unique Sanguisorba Root extract, can remove the dead skin
Reduce oil secretion
Balance skin colour
- Main Ingredients: yeast extract, Arbutin, Burnet root extract, mulberry root, chamomile extract, citric acid, sodium biochemical polysaccharide gel, vitamin C.
- How to use: Apply the entire face after toner in the morning and evening morning and evening


Shill oil control pore refining
Harga: Rp190.000.

Refreshing texture of oil-free formula
reconcile the grease
reduce pore sizes
improve skin elasticity and tension
smoother skin
Careful deployment of multiple natural plant essence a long-term hydraulic conductivity mechanism to allow the skin to maintain moisture balance
Vitamin E, B5 added to smoothern skin, fine-degree increase. The plant extracts with high unit composition Aesculus hippocastanum, month, peach extract to repair skin conditioning and improve the skin over filling, and preventing pore blocking, enhanced pores in the normal discharge of grease and cutin
- Main Ingredients: Aesculus hippocastanum, month peach leaf extract, more than five rings (months too), Vitamin B5, glycerin, vitamins.
- How to use: Apply suitable amount after toner and massage to fully absorbed.


Bedak 3wclinic (30g)
Harga: Rp150.000.

Bedak 3wclinic bedak cosmetic tabur. Sangat popular di Japan dan Korea dan biasanya dipakai oleh artis-artis Korea,

Asli Korea.

Bisa menerangkan warna kulit dengan natural, bedak ini 3X halus dibandingkan dengan lainnya sehingga bisa menutup pori-pori dan berkas muka tanpa merusak kulit karena dari bahan alami.

3 colour :

1. light beige
2. natural beige
3. Transparent pearl

Description: 3W Clinic Translucent Loose Powder(Formerly known as DoDo Palgantong Powder)

Dodo Company, the manufacturer of Palgantong has changed its name to 3W Clinic
since 2009. ALL NEW versions of palgantong powder now use the name of 3W Clinic .

This is the professional version used by professional backstage make-up artists and
are imported directly from Korea.

PALGANTONG was first launched in Korea in 1999. It is very popular among Korean
Movie Stars and 4 out of 5 Korean ladies have tried this amazing power.

Firstly, it was only int.


Double eyelid glu2
Harga: Rp120.000.

Description: Product of Japan. Double eyelid glue helps to create “double eyelids” and give you bigger eyes! There’s a small brush in the box to help you put on the glue. Glue upon application onto eyelids becomes transparent. Nobody will be able to notice that you applied something!
If you use everyday, one bottle can last for about 2 – 3 months. Usually if you use it for a long time, a double eyelid will naturally form. :)
How to use:
Before makeup, wash the eye area clean. Facing a mirror, close one eye and use the little forked brush to apply the glue at the eyelid position where you would like your double eyelid to appear.
After that about 5 to 10 seconds later, the glue will start to harden. Then open your eyes big and wide without blinking for about 5 – 10 secs so that the glue can solidify giving you’re a very natural and perfect line.
If line is not clear or drooping, please reapply.
Please do not use fingers to rub your eyes in an attempt to remove the glue. Always use water or makeup remover to gently remove.
Please always cap the bottle after every use.
May not be used to it when you first start using, but you will get the hang of it after a while.


Benefit depuffing action
Harga: Rp150.000.

Depuffing Action Eye Gel
Start your day the depuffing way with Benefit's eye gel for younger, fresher, and firmer looking eyes. This cooling gel depuffs the under eye area and helps to provide an instant lifting effect. De-Puffing Action Eye Gel contains a "secret ingredient" that promotes firming, plus red raspberry and chamomile extracts are known for their soothing properties. Poof! No more puffs.


Harga: Rp200.000.

Cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.
100 kali pemakaian.


Massage mask untuk kulit kering (30ml( dan pelembap moistfull (50ml)
Harga: Rp220.000.


Collagen Lip Mask


100% collagen Eye Mask
Harga: Rp70.000.

(NU REN WO CUE DA, Taiwan TV programme produk)

Masker ini mengandung black mud untuk menerangkan warna kulit dan collagen untuk mengencangkan kulit, mencegah keriput dan memuluskan.

Collagen yg mudah dihisap oleh kulit. masker ini akan menjadi kertas setelah pemakaian.

1 packet untuk sekali pemakaian.


SKIN food KOREA aloe vera BB cream
Harga: Rp340.000.

Apply as a foundation or as a base before your foundation.A skin-care and make-up in one, this cream leaves your skin feeling moisturized while it corrects your skin tone. Your complexion looks naturally air-brushed, clear and fresh! Rich with aloe, it excellently soothes skin and provides moisture. Also contains SPF 20!50g


Shills make up oil remover (250ml)
Harga: Rp270.000.

Description: Cherry aroma with a touch of pure olive essence of plants.
Deep clean to remove every little trace of make up that is hidden in the pores.With advanced nano technology,this cleansing oil is small enough to dissolve all the dirts hidden in pores.With moisturising ingredients,it helps to maintain skin ph balance.Furthermore its non comedogenic!!
Ingredients: jojoba oil, olive oil, vitamin E, camellia oil, Avocado oil, sweet myrrh, essential oils emulsifier cherry.
- Usage: Press 2-3 pumps n gently massage the skin until the make-up melts,add a little water n massage again n then rinse off with water.U can use ur cleanser aft this.


Shiseido Annessa (60ml)
Harga: Rp400.000.

Rekommend by nui ren wo cuei da

SHISEIDO ANESSA the most suitable for the introduction of a new water sports sunscreen dedicated Lu -- Breakthroughs in the past, even if the application of ultra-high coefficient of sunscreen.
5 special features give you up to 12 hours of close protection .
SPF50 PA + + + .
Super spill-resistant, sweat, sebum .
.High-transparent white is not a sense of micro-flavor .
Face and body are to apply
Prevent darkening n non sticky texture
The application : to engage in water sports
Usage: Please fully shaken before use, gently applied to the skin.


SHILLS VitalityWhitening Cream + Sunblock (35g)
Harga: Rp220.000

Tidak perlu tergantung pada laser pemutih, produk ini mampu menerangkan pigment (Bintik hitam muka) dan menerangkan warna kulit.
Dengan protection sunblock.
Description: No longer rely on the laser to lighten those pigmentations!.
A unique formula with hydrolyzed silk protein Chuanming acid, to make your skin transparent and fair complexion from the inside out! Pigmentations ligthen after each n every application at the same time preventing new pigment by blocking ultraviolet radiation and to eliminate the deterioration of the formation of melanin & strike a blance between uneven complexion.
With vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, and other precision components Yamahana with excellent whitening effect, but also has a moisturizing and anti-aging effect of the auxiliary.
- Major components: hydrolysis of silk protein, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, Yamahana fine, Chuan-ming acid, chelating agents, fragrance.
- Use: morning and evening every day after the check in the appropriate liquid applied to the face and neck to be absorbed.


Harga: Rp190.000.

Untuk menutup pori-pori dan mengurangi kulit berminyak sewaktu make up.

Oil moisturizing acid mining zinc (Zinc PCA) were allocated exclusively to regulating sebum secretion and reduce the activity of enzymes of oil.
Makeup would be easy after the huge flaws in all pores are invisible.
Appearance of fine lines, pores modified so that you have a shiny and delicate skin.

Major components: vitamin E, squalene, corn starch, orange skin extract, vitamin C.


Harga: Rp190.000.

Description:This product is known as the most effective flaw masking expert,which aims at dark circlea, bloog tinged eye and troublesome flaw to make the traces of fatigue less significant and brighten and luster the skin immediately.


Harga: Rp110.000.

Description: Theatrical powder from Korea is made up of Ceramin ingredient from the UK. The size of particles is just half of the other particles. It reflects more light from your skin to even the tone with natural appearance. Thin and comfortable, brightens your skin just like a Movie Star. Hence, it is also called “Star Powder” in Japan and Korea. Over these 10 years, this powder is commonly used in Korean Movies, TV programmes and dramas. Over 5,000,000 powders were sold in Japan, as No.1 loose powder in Japan. Use the puff to get a suitable amount and press on the skin from the inner to outer direction. Apply evenly on skin. Colour: Natural Beige (OB) - Only have 1 colour. Weight: 10g


Harga: Rp140.000.

Bisa dijadikan base sesudah pelembap, untuk menerangkan warna kulit dengan SPF 15


Harga: Rp140.000.

Pelukis mata CAT.

Waterproof bisa dipakai waktu berenang juga :) bisa membesarkan bentuk mata.


Harga: Rp120.000.


Harga: Rp70.000.

Menggunakan bahan yang ekonomis dan tidak menganggu pernafasan sewaktu penggunaan.

10 menit tiap hari, hasil akan terlihat dalam beberapa kali permakaian.


ETUDE MASKER HARIAN "Ginseng + Collagen" (20lembar)
Harga: Rp240.000.
Dan harga/lembar = Rp11.000.

Masker ini bisa dipakai harian untuk memberikan kelembapan ke kulit ditambah dengan essence ginseng korea dan essesnce collagen untuk mencegah keriputan.



Harga: Rp300.000.

1 bar 25 gram (Untuk pemakaian 1 - 2 bulan )

EumorA Bar – Adalah pembersih kulit ajaib, toner and pelembap yang membuat kulit anda menjadi lebih bersih, segar dengan penampilan yang baru!.

MOOR + H-MA + BASE dari Eropah = Zat alami yang berguna untuk mengembalikan peremajaan untuk muka dan rambut!.

Terbuat dari 3 active ingredients: MOOR (Pengelola dari sungai es gletser yang lebih dari 3000 tahun). Hydro-micro Alga (H-mA) impoter dari Francis, Eumora bar dengan efektif cepat mengembalikan kecantikan anda dalam 3 menit.

Dengan Eumora akan mengembalikan keseimbangan untuk kulit anda dan menyembuhkan masalah-masalah kulit sekaligus memberikan kelembutan kulit.

Eumora mendukung kesehatan kulit.
Eumora mengandung 95% aktif ingredients yang tidak hanya menyembuhkan masalah kulit juga seluruh organ kulit.

Eumora cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

Manfaat Eumora Facial Bar.

Mengencangkan dan menerangkan warna kulit gelap.

Mengurangi dan mengecilkan pori-pori besar.

Menghancurkan racun-racun yang ada di kulit dan rambut sekaligus memberikan nutrisi.

Hemat untuk TONER, PEMBERSIH, SHAMPOO dan lain-lainnya.

Menambah kelembutan kulit dalam pengunaan 2 atau 3 kali.

Mengurangi keriput di seluruh muka dan menentang kulit dari bintik-bintik hitam, keriput dan garis-garis.

Collagen Regeneration to untuk menentang keriputan dan membuat kulit menjadi lebih muda dan sehat seperti REMAJA.

Cell Rejuvenation untuk mengembalikan warna kulit akibat berkas luka jerawat.

Detoxification untuk menentang pertumbuhan jerawat, bincil hitam dan putih termasuk kulit sensifit, kemerahan dan eczema.

Memperbaiki peredaran darah, untuk yang memiliki kulit pucat, kekuningan akan menjadi lebih sehat dan kemerahan seperti orang Jepan dan Eropa!.

Hasil dari pengunaan Eumora.

Kulit anda akan menjadi lebih terang dan cerah
akan merasakan kelembutan, licin di muka anda
kulit menjadi lebih sehat, muda dan berseri
pori-pori anda akan menutup kembali dan mengurangi keriputan.
Menerangkan warna kulit yang memiliki bintik-bintik hitam
Kebengkakan di bawah mata akan sembuh.

Cara pengunaan Mask :
1. Cuci muka dengan pembersih anda atau sedikit eumora.
2. Lapkan muka dengan handuk sampai kering.
3. Basahkan Eumora dengan air dan gosokan sampai berbusa putih.
4. Pakai Eumora di kulit kering dan tunggu sekitar 3 menit (Untuk kulit kering) dan 5 menit (Kulit normal atau berminyak).
5. Bersihkan dengan air putih.

Eumora juga boleh dijadikan penganti untuk pembersih muka anda.


Harga: Rp70.000.

Description: Gently removes dirt and dust from your pores. Say goodbye to enlarged pores, strawberry nose (weird, but the Chinese call it 草莓鼻.Maybe cos it resembles the strawberry seeds) and blackheads! This simple and convenient process enables you to become more beautiful without needing any specialised skills. :)

Colour: There are many colours but I don’t think we can choose. Will distribute whatever colours supplier gives. Hence, don’t ask me for colour options.

Material: Manufactured using the newest anti-bacterial material. (Best-selling product in the Taiwan market)

How to use: Use water to moisten your skin, and then apply normal facial cleanser to your whole face. After that, use the brush to gently scrub the nose area. Cleanse with water.


Harga: Rp110.000.


Harga: Rp110.000.

Harga: Rp110.000.

Harga: Rp110.000.


Harga: Rp120.000.


Harga: Rp120.000.


Harga: Rp120.000.


Harga: Rp120.000.


Alat untuk melukis alis mata, bisa dijadikan sebagai penggaris waktu mencukur.
Harga: Rp70.000.


Harga: Rp150.000.

Bedak 3wclinic bedak cosmetic tabur. Sangat popular di Japan dan Korea dan biasanya dipakai oleh artis-artis Korea.

Asli korea.

Bisa menerangkan warna kulit dengan natural, bedak ini 3X halus dibandingkan dengan lainnya sehingga bisa menutup pori-pori dan berkas muka tanpa merusak kulit karen dari bahan alami.

3 colour:

1. Light beige.
2. Natural beige.
3. Transparent pearl.

Description: 3W Clinic Translucent Loose Powder(Formerly known as DoDo Palgantong Powder).

Dodo Company, the manufacturer of palgantong has changed its name to 3W Clinic
since 2009. ALL NEW versions of palgantong powder now use the name of 3W Clinic.

This is the professional version used by professional backstage make-up artists and
are imported directly from Korea.

PALGANTONG was first launched in Korea in 1999. It is very popular among Korean.
Movie Stars and 4 out of 5 Korean ladies have tried this amazing power.

Firstly, it was only int.

Harga: Rp70.000.

Untuk usia 30tahun keatas.

Asli taiwan, rekomendasi dari Nui Ren Wo Cuei Da Taiwan TV programme, mengandung :

1. Collagen 95% untuk mengembalikan kehalusan kulit, mencegah keriputan.
2. Soothing ampoule - Ampoule untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawatan dan kekeringan.
3. Essence bunga rose - Untuk melembapkan kulit
4. Pemutih muka.
5. Menjaga kulit dari kekeringan.

Sewaktu memakai, karena mengandung sootihing ampoule, masker ini akan merasa dingin. Dengan demikian collagen di masker akan masuk ke muka seluruhnya.

Pemakaian tidak melebihi 12 jam.

Setelah memakai 2-3 jam, masker ini akan menjadi kertas.


Harga: Rp130.000.

Meili bahenling ini bisa hilangin bekas luka.
Cara pakainya:
- Sebelum memakai meili bahenling, dianjurkan untuk cuci dulu daerah yang mau dioles meili bahenling.
- Ambil handuk yang dibasahin dengan air hangat, bersihin permukaan kulit yang mau dioleskan meili bahenling.
- Setelah bersihin dengan handuk hangat, keringkan, dan oleskan meili bahenling ini.
- Gunakan waktu mau tidur malam.
- Daerah yang telah dioleskan meili bahenling dibiarkan sampai besok paginya.
- Besok paginya ulangi lagi dengan mengambil handuk hangat lap permukaan kulit yang telah dioleskan meili bahenling tadi malamnya (Sebelum mandi).
- Sesudah dilap dengan handuk hangat anda baru bisa mandi.

Gunakan cara diatas setiap harinya.
sekitar 1-2 bulan bekas luka akan ilang.

Catatan :
Jangan gunakan meili bahenling dalam 1hari secara berulang-ulang.


Harga: Rp190.000.

Harga: Rp190.000.


Harga: Rp150.000.

Harga: Rp150.000.

Untuk menutup warna mata yang tidak serasi.
Asli Francis.

Why we love it: Our soft, lemon yellow cream helps to hide redness and discoloration on your eyelids. In a snap, eyes look refreshed, frisky, and ready for fun. What else you need to know: Can be worn with or without eye makeup. Compact includes mirror for freshening up on-the-go. One shade blends to perfection on every complexion!.
How to apply: Pat on eyelids with your fingertip and blend. Wear alone or under makeup.
2.70g Net wt. 0.09.



Harga: Rp170.000.

Fungsinya memerahkan bagian-bagian pribadi dan bibir juga puting payudara.


Harga: Rp100.000.

Harga: Rp370.000.

- This massage pack makes you feel the highly enriched strawberry yogurt texture without worrying about runny contents.

­- Yogurt extract makes skin soft and strawberry extract gives a clean and healthy appearance.

­- The larger capsule contains mineral water (with tomato, kiwi, grape, banana, and lemon extracts and essential minerals including calcium, magnesium and zinc) and lactic acid bacteria for an added nutrition and moisture to your skin.

­- Vitamin E ingredients contained in the smaller capsule are absorbed into skin to make it smoother and healthier.

­- Simple massaging at home turns dry skin supple and moisturized.

­- It is recommended to keep this product refrigerated during the summer.

1. Use after cleansing your face and applying skin refiner.
2. Evenly spread quarter-sized amount (3cm in diameter) on your face. Massage gently and let red particles to be dissolve (Avoid eyes and mouth area)
3. Wait 5 to 10 minutes after massage and then rinse off with warm water.
4. Use once or twice a week.


Harga ada 3 macam dibawah:

Khusus untuk bintik hitam bekas gigitan nyamuk, dan pemutih untuk seluruh tubuh serta memiliki fungsi untuk mengencangkan kulit.

Produk ini digunakan oleh Song Hui Qiao (korea) dan setelah dipamerkan di TV sudah terjual 8,000,000 botol sejak June 2009. Setiap perempuan korea memilikinya di bag.

Code 100 (XixiBai) - CLEANSER PEMUTIH = Rp190.000.
Code 200 (CacaBai) - LOTION PEMUTIH = Rp190.000.
Paket khusus Pembelian CLEANSER + LOTION = Rp350.000.


Harga: Rp110.000.


Harga: Rp110.000.


Harga: Rp180.000.


Harga: Rp150.000.

Cream ini khusus buat kulit yang kering dan pecah-pecah. Bisa dipakai dibagian kaki dan tangan.


Harga: Rp140.000.

Terdapat warna coklat dan warna hitam.


Harga: Rp150.000.

Why we love it: Our soft, lemon yellow cream helps to hide redness and discoloration on your eyelids. In a snap, eyes look refreshed, frisky, and ready for fun. What else you need to know: Can be worn with or without eye makeup. Compact includes mirror for freshening up on-the-go. One shade blends to perfection on every complexion!.
How to apply: Pat on eyelids with your fingertip and blend. Wear alone or under makeup.
2.70g Net wt. 0.09.


Harga: Rp270.000.



Harga: Rp90.000.

Pemutih gigi 25 batang.


Harga 3 macam yaitu:

Nomal = Rp300.000.
Collagen agecare = Rp300.000.
Sebum moist = Rp300.000.

Cleansing expres 3 in 1.

1. Membersihkan make up.
2. Tidak memerlukan pembersih muka.
3. Sebagai pelembap muka.


Harga: Rp190.000.

Menggunakan teknologi canggih Amerika dalam memutihkan gigi. Sekarang proses pemutihan
bisa dilakukan dimana saja dan lebih murah.


Harga: Rp110.000.

Dengan puff ini bisa disapukan ke bagian leher untuk menambah glitter (kilatan).

Tiap puff 5gram bedak kilat :)


Harga: Rp200.000.

Harga: Rp320.000.

Untuk alas make up sebelum bb cream atau foundasi supaya pori-pori bisa dikecilin dan muka kelihatan mulus.

Harga: Rp150.000.

Pasta gigi pembersih kotoran yang melekat digigi akibat minuman tea, kopi, merokok, bir atau minuman keras.

Setelah pakai akan terasa licin dipermukaan gigi. Tidak perlu memakai setiap hari. Untuk pertama kali pakainya gosok sampai bersih, jika pertama kali kurang bersih lanjutkan pemakaian untuk beberapa hari. dan selanjutnya seminggu 2 kali.


Harga: Rp250.000.

Asli Taiwan masker tidur.

Masker ini mengandung bahan dari bunga lavender, jika anda ingin memiliki kulit yang puith dan cerah setelah bangun pagi, pilih warna ini.

Cara pakai :
1. Cuci muka sebelum tidur.
2. Sapukan rata ke seluruh muka, lumayan tebal.
3. Tidur.
4. Bangun pagi cuci muka, dan akan kelihatan hasilnya.


Harga: Rp250.000.

Asli Taiwan masker tidur.

Masker ini mengandung bahan dari teh hijau, jika anda ingin memiliki kulit yang puith dan cerah setelah bangun pagi, pilih warna ini.

Cara pakai :
1. Cuci muka sebelum tidur.
2. Sapukan rata ke seluruh muka, lumayan tebal.
3. Tidur.
4. Bangun pagi cuci muka, dan akan kelihatan hasilnya.


Harga: Rp250.000.

Asli Taiwan masker tidur.

Masker ini mengandung bahan dari bunga rose, jika anda ingin memiliki kulit yang puith dan cerah setelah bangun pagi, pilih warna ini.

Cara pakai :
1. Cuci muka sebelum tidur.
2. Sapukan rata ke seluruh muka, lumayan tebal.
3. Tidur.
4. Bangun pagi cuci muka, dan akan kelihatan hasilnya.


Harga: Rp210.000.

- Menutup
mata hitam.
jerawat kecil.
● Super 10 in 1 function:

- Pemutih
Memutihkan bekas jerawat & bekas2 muka.
Menjaga kelembapan.
Mencegah keriputan.
Anti oxident.
Penjagaan muka.
Memuluskan keriputan.
Menentang sinar matahari.
Penutup bekas muka yang jelas
dan tidak rata.


Harga: Rp100.000.

Juga bisa dijadikan lipstick.

Stock: Warna putih.

Harga: Rp120.000.

Merasa bibir anda gelap dan sering pecah-pecah? lipbalm ini berfungsi mengembalikan kelembapan bibir dan memerahkan setelah beberapa minggu pemakaian, juga mencegah pecah-pecah.


Harga: Rp90.000.

Puroz german 100% collagen mask/paket kira-kira 4 kali pemakaian.
Kandungan hydroulic acid, collagen, ve,vc, nano crystaline. Diamond powder, elasticfiber dan purified water.
Fungsi mengencangkan, memutihkan, mengurangi keriputan, dan melembapkan.


Harga: Rp140.000.

Essential oil ini berasal dari tumbuh-tumbuhan dan bisa mengecilkan pori-pori dan menyembuhkan jerawat.


Harga: Rp 350.000.


Harga: Rp140.000/botol. Beli 2botol = Rp260.000.

1 botol bisa memakai sekitar 10-15kali, perhatikan ini serum sehingga sangat padat, bukan moisturise biasa yang setelah pakai kering dipermukaan dan tidak memasuki ke dalam bawah kulit. serum ini mampu menyembuhkan dan memberikan nutrient dibawah kulit anda.

Drops of pure gold, including high antioxidant activity of elements of gold and Q10, negatively charged particles of gold with massage procedures, Hyaluronic acid can stimulate the birth of the effectiveness of the moisture, chamomile and licorice calm to ease the ability of by the same negative forces of repulsion of the catalytic anti-lock shui-double, and other effects, the rapid revitalization of flexibility to combat wrinkles aging years, and in order to reduce the external skin of free radical damage, back to the activation of age to open the door to the skin and restore youthful time, optical thin gold foil with a sense of identity, glitter will be vague as to disseminate detailed gloss, any point of view are presented impeccable shine bright!.


Harga: Rp160.000.

Brand New Power Perfect Pore System.
Makes your skin clear and clean in weeks.
Ergonomically designed suction cup.
Removes black heads withour hurting your skin with hard squeezing.
Complete set with 4 interchangeable attachments and with mist function.
Requires 2 batteries (not included in the package).

Harga: Rp140.000/botol. Beli 2botol = Rp260.000.

1 botol bisa memakai sekitar 10-15kali, perhatikan ini serum sehingga sangat padat, bukan moisturise biasa yg setelah pakai kering dipermukaan dan tidak memasuki ke dalam bawah kulit. serum ini mampu menyembuhkan dan memberikan nutrient dibawah kulit anda.

Description: Collagen renewal serum penetrates deeply into the skin matrix, where it re-contours the epidermal cells, restores the body's own collagen and, most importantly, stimulates new collagen production. This triple action serum works daily to activate the skin's cellular regeneration process and, as collagen levels build, wrinkles become less visible and the complexion becomes more luminous. Give your skin a more luminous complexion, re-contour epidermal cells and increase collagen levels for less visible lines.

Directions: After cleansing or exfoliation, apply to clean skin for revitalization and nourishment. Allow serum to absorb into the skin and then apply a moisturizer cream for further hydration. Apply twice daily.

Harga: Rp140.000/botol. Beli 2botol = Rp260.000.

1 botol bisa memakai sekitar 10-15kali, perhatikan ini serum sehingga sangat padat, bukan moisturise biasa yang setelah pakai kering dipermukaan dan tidak memasuki ke dalam bawah kulit. Serum ini mampu menyembuhkan dan memberikan nutrient dibawah kulit anda.

Description: This ultra whitening serum helps to reduce freckles and scars and give you translucent skin.


Harga: Rp140.000.

Fungsinya dapat memerahkan pipi, puting payudara, dan bibir.

Harga: Rp140.000/botol. Beli 2botol = Rp260.000.

1 botol bisa memakai sekitar 10-15kali, perhatikan ini serum sehingga sangat padat. Bukan moisturise biasa yang setelah pakai kering dipermukaan dan tidak memasuki ke dalam bawah kulit. Serum ini mampu menyembuhkan dan memberikan nutrient dibawah kulit anda.

Description: Collagen renewal serum penetrates deeply into the skin matrix, where it re-contours the epidermal cells, restores the body's own collagen and, most importantly, stimulates new collagen production. This triple action serum works daily to activate the skin's cellular regeneration process and, as collagen levels build, wrinkles become less visible and the complexion becomes more luminous. Give your skin a more luminous complexion, re-contour epidermal cells and increase collagen levels for less visible lines.

Directions: After cleansing or exfoliation, apply to clean skin for revitalization and nourishment. Allow serum to absorb into the skin and then apply a moisturizer cream for further hydration. Apply twice daily.